Meraki [may-rah-kee] translates to "essence of yourself." It signifies pouring your heart and soul into your passion while sharing it with the world. The devotion of a person's life truly opens when they find the source that brings them to life.
Enhance YOUR
​Meraki4Life offers in-depth Reiki sessions that include Chakra clearing, past life regression and deep meditation. During sessions, you will learn how to discover the "why" in your journey to Earth, a better understanding of how to truly live out your life's purpose, and information on how to thoroughly enjoy and understand the people around you.
Discover what may be stopping you from reaching and attaining your dreams. Jump in to begin removing the blocks that are holding you back from enjoying true happiness.

​"Thank You, Thank You! For the first time in my life I have an understanding of my gifts and some of the things which have occurred in my life. I believe I am now fully in my own skin!"
— Michelle
Reiki Master